New Essences

VaseHomeopathy for Earth, Humans, and Cosmos

Coming Soon – New essences for agriculture

Contact barbara at

These essences are the quintessence of 16 years of working faithfully with the Nature Beings on a 31-acre hilltop in the Kootenay River Valley, British Columbia. Beginning with land that radiated an inherent sweetness, ancient quality, and a wish to communicate, I began in 1989 to work with Biodynamics through reading Rudolf Steiner’s “Agriculture” lectures. Listening to the land, observing the effects of the preparations, and immersion in the daily and seasonal rhythms—this was my schooling. It was 15 years into this work that all of the “Mothers” of these essences were prepared throughout the wild areas of Aurora Farm.

These essences are not offered as a quick fix, nor do they operate out of the premise that something is wrong. Rather, they embody the promise of our human birthright. They act as a bridge to an angelic energy field—their heartsong—free from cultural overlay and conventional expectations.

The qualities these essences nourish or encourage—for instance Yellow Bell’s nobility, or the individuality of Wild Rose—are not “things” to be gained, but rather cosmic patterns to be revealed, promises to your thinking, feeling and willing forces.

Rudolf Steiner encouraged us to innovate and intuit new ways of blessing the Earth and it is in that spirit that I invite you to begin with these essences with an active direct perception, remembering that less is more; let your intuition see how they might work to their highest potential for you. Blessings.

Contact barbara at soulmedicinejourney dot com